Sunday, February 13, 2011

99.9 chance

First off I want to say THANK YOU to my wonderfull Followers!

If it wasnt for you I probally would have quit Posting Blog post! THANK YOU!

Now onto what happened to Julie!

"Julianne had an Asthma Attack!" Dr. Jordan, who was Julie's doctor, anounced.

"WHAT!" Elizabeth screamed. Elizabeth, Prudence, and Charity had just arrived to the Hospital. Prudence and Charity were with Elizabeth when I called her.

"What Elizabeth means is we didnt even know Julie has Asthma!" I said shocked.
"Well it seems like the Asthma has built up. Is Julianne very athletic?" Dr. Jordan asked.
"VERY! Oh and her name is JULIE! Dont call her Julianne she hates it!" Julia said. Julia had come to the Hospital with me.
"Well that explains it. Asthma seems to happen alot with very athletic people. Did you know that in 1996 15% of Athletes were diagnosed wi-" The Doctor said.

"WE REALLY DONT CARE ABOUT THAT!" Elizabeth shouted as she rolled her tearfull eye's. Prudence hugged her.
"Well someones fiesty!" The Doctor laughed. I swear I thought that Elizabeth was going to come over to the Doctor and punch him out!

"Well can we see Julie?" I asked.
"Um..Rebecca...I dont think you understand" Dr. Jordan mumbled.
"I dont understand what?" I asked confused.
"Juliann- uhh..Julie has a Severe case of Asthma! It seems that the asthma has built up and now its finally..I guess you could say EXPLODED out of Julie!" Dr. Jordan explained.
"And thats suppost to mean?" Charity asked.

"Well...Julie has a 99.9 chance of not surviving this Asthma Attack" Dr. Jordan explained.
"WHAT!" We all yelled.
"I'm sorry that you had to hear this. But Julie definately does not have a chance of surviving" Dr. Jordan said as he wrote something on his clipboard.

We all looked at eachother.
Elizabeth exploded into crying, tears were rolling down her eye's.
Prudence had tears in her eye's and she was hugging Elizabeth.
Charity had went over to Julia and tried to calm her down.

"MY SISTER IS GOING TO SURVIVE! SHE'S NOT GOING TO DIE!" Julia screamed, she was in TOTAL denial!
"Julia! Please...just calm down" Charity cried.
"B-B-B-Bu-But" Julia studdered as tears came falling from her eye's. Charity rubbed Julia's back.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My mascara was running, my hair was all messed up from pulling on it with stress, My outfit was going into all kinds of places, and my face looked all swollen looking from crying.

"I've just been informed that Julie is in a Hospital room. You can go see her if you want, but please be quiet. We dont want to disturb her while she's sleeping. She needs her sleep." Dr. Jordan explained.
We followed Dr. Jordan into Julie's Hospital room.

Julia fell to her knees and started to cry.
Prudence and Charity went over to Julia and tried to confort her.

I looked at a hosital bed that had a Blonde hair, brown eye'd girl in a hospital outfit (that was UGLY!). It was Julie.

I walked over to the Hospital bed slowly. Elizabeth was already there.
I looked at Julie.
She didnt seem like she was going to die. She seemed like she was just sleeping.
Hopefully not in a FOREVER type of sleep!

Elizabeth looked up at me with Tearfull eye's.
"She'll survive. Julie's STRONG! She can fight this!" I assured Elizabeth. But I couldnt help but CRY!
Elizabeth nodded her head as she sobbed.

I bet Julie didnt think this morning that she was going to be in a Hospital, wearing these UGLY hospital clothes.
And its all because of ASTHMA!



  1. OMG thats sooo sad I hope she survives!!!!!!!

    She'll beat the death out of her.
    That's what Julie will do.


  3. Well, if Prudence survived, Julie will too! :D


  4. This is so unfair! first Prudence and now Julie?! This is so cruel But I know she will make it We just have to be strong.

  5. NO KIDDING< Miranda! U R sooooo right!!!!!! JULIE WILL LIVE SHE WILL NOT DIE !!!!!
