Monday, May 9, 2011

That good

I basically ran out of my last class, HISTORY (Yuck!), and went rushing to Drama Class.
I couldnt wait to try out for Maria!
I swear, I was made for this role!

I opened the Drama class doors and went to go sit down by Ally.
Everyone was practicing there lines for tryouts.
Ally and I helped eachother with our lines. Even though I felt like I didnt need any help! I'm good at remembering stuff.

Okay well maybe I'm not good at remembering thingy like homework, but I'am good at remembering Lines in plays!

Ally was trying out as the part of Anita, which is Maria's brother Bernardo's girlfriend!
I hoped that Ally would get the part.

"I hope you all studied your parts that your trying out for! And I hope that you are sure thats the part you want!" Mrs. Carol smiled at us all. I smiled confident and sat on the edge of my seat.

"Okay lets get started!" Mrs. Carole clapped her hands "Joey your up first!"
I boy with jet black hair and brown eyes stood up and walked to the Mini Stage up in the front of the room.

"I will be trying out as Tony" Joey nodded and started saying a bunch of lines.


"Oh Rebecca your up next!" Mrs. Carol looked at me, smiling.
I stood up and practically skipped to the Mini stage.

"I will like to audition for the part of Maria" I told everyone as I looked into the audience (which was the Drama students)
This felt good! It felt like I was ment to be up here on Stage.
I could see some girls faces sulk, I didnt know why.

I started to say my lines.

After I was finished, I felt really good about my tryouts!
Everyone clapped.
"Bravo Miss Rubin!" Mrs. Carol clapped, and I walked back to my seat.

Ally hugged me and told me I did great.
I could hear the girls next to me whispering. Those girls were Diana, Raquel, and Maya.
"We have no chance!" Diana hissed.
"I know right! With Rebecca auditioning for the part of Maria, we have no chance of getting it!" Raquel sulked.
"There's no use in even auditioning for the part of Maria!" Maya snapped and threw her script on the floor.

I felt kinda sad, because I was holding them back from auditioning for the part of Maria! They could have gotten the part!

But then again I kinda felt proud, because they didnt want to audition because I was!
Was I that good?


1 comment:

  1. welllll..... lets just hope nothing bad happens but yes, that DOES mean U R a great actress. HURRAY FOR U!!!
