Monday, September 6, 2010


OMG! School is awesome! the teachers are nice and the students are nicer! I already made alot of friends! and so has Julie. I thought it would be harder for her to make friends cause she's kinda shy (as u can c I'm not!) but she put that behind her and made alot of good friends!
also we met Chrissa from the Completely Chrissa blog and her sisters! they were all so NICE! I was happy to finally meet them! I think we'll be good freinds!

Oh and also Brittany just keeps on making HORRIBLE decisions! She said instead of saving up for clothes for us she MIGHT be saving up for a Ipod Touch instead! Here's how it went:

I walked in the room and Brittany was on her Purple Dell Labtop on the wal-mart website. I walked over to her picked up a hairbrush, and sat on the bed.
"So have you decided what clothes your going to buy Julie and me?" I asked casually as I brushed my hair

It took her a while to answer. she had a weird expression on her face "umm....nooooo" she finally said back

I slowed down as I brished my hair "what do you mean nooooooo"

"I just havent decided what to get yet ok" she said as she looked up Ipod Touch on the wal-mart website.

"umm...ok. didnt you tell me that you were going to decide today so you can start saving up. and why are looking up Ipod Touch?" I asked her as I pulled hair out of the hairbrush

She started messing with things on her desk and then she looked at me and said "whoa! I never said that I was going to decide today. and also I'm going to save up to get a Ipod touch..."

I didnt even let her finish her sentance "WAIT! dies that mean that mean that the money that you already saved up to get me and Julie some clothes is going towards saving up for an IPOD TOUCH!" I said as I slammed the hair brush onto the desk.

"well maybe...."

"well maybe nothing! I cant believe your going to spend your money on a IPOD TOUCH and not me and Julie!"

"Rebecca Rae Rubin! that is my money and I can do whatever I want with it! I saved up the money by myself it has nothing to do with you! I only decided I was going to spend it on you. but now I want an Ipod touch and there's nothing you can do about it! My mind is made up!" she siad as she took the hairbrush away from me

"FINE! THEN THIS CONVERSATION IS DONE!" I yelled as I rain out of the room

"REBECCA! Please! I've wanted an Ipod Touch since forever! and I've never was able to get one! now I can! and you would ike it. you can listen to music all you want!" she said as she ran after me.

I ran into my room and jumped onto my bed. but I didnt make it to the bed! instead of hitting the soft surface of the bed I hit the HARD surface of the floor! I started crying and screaming! My screaming was so loud that I probally awakened the dead! Brittany came running into the room and she picked me up and sat me on the bed. I was all scraped up! Blood came guishing out of my scrapes and it stung like crazy when Brittany touched it.

Julie , Sweet Julie, came running in the room with a big lime green lamp getting ready to hit someone with it! BUt then she saw it was just my Clumsy self getting hurt again. she swung the the lamp onto her shoulder. but as she did that she nocked down a glass vace and broke it! what a mess! Brittany had to take the lamp away from Julie!

when I saw the way Brittany came in and helped me I knew that she did care about me and that she did want to buy me and Julie clothes it was just that the Ipod Touch was something that she has wnated for a very long time now. and her mom said that she could save up for it. the Ipod Touch situation didnt matter anymore! I was just happy to have a mom/owner that cared!

I looked around my room and saw a huge mess. with the Borken Vace that Julie smashed with the Lamp. and then Blood stans on the Carpet and a Cup that was nocked over that must had Grape juice in it was all over my bed! Julie must have nocked that over too!

Man I have some serious cleaning up to do I said to myself

Julie must have thought the same thing cause she said "Man we have serious cleaning up to do!"

After we cleaned it all up. I went and let Brittany play with my Hair



1 comment:

  1. I'm clumsy too :D

    WOW! I had the same situation once with Melanie, she was going to spend her birthday money on either Sonali or a new camera, but she realized her camera is good enough and she got Sonali

