Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Black haired, green eyed kid

I walked on that audition stage this afternoon, confident!

I memorized all of Mia's lines and parts in the play. Mia was the main Charcter, which was who I was auditioning for.
Mia was a girl that had moved to New York to preform on Broadway!

(sounds like me huh!?)

I read all the lines with as much enthusiasm as I could (since Mia was suppost to be a happy girl)
The Producer, Logan Newmann, looked impressed!

"Thank you! That was incredible, You have alot of talent, young lady! I will get in touch with you if you get the part" Logan Newmann smiled and then I walked off the stage.

I was the last one to go. So after I got off the stage, the cleanup people started sweeping the stage (ect.).
All the cleaning people were probably in there late twenties or early thirties.
But I did notice a younger boy cleaning as I went to grab my bag from backstage.

The boy looked my age, he had black hair and bright green eyes.
I couldnt stop staring at the boy. Why was he younger than all the rest of the clean up crew? How could his eyes be so GREEN? Why couldnt I STOP staring at this kid?

The boy turned around and noticed me staring at him.
I quickly turned and grabbed my bag and walked away. I turned my head and looked at him as I walked out the door.

I saw the boy still staring at me! Then he smirked, rolled his eyes, and turned around and skept cleaning.



  1. Oooooh...I hope you talk to him a bit more! Green-eyed kid. Huh. Sounds like me! { just without the dark hair (; }

    <3, Jamie

