Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Snow Storm

I was upstairs doing my Homework for school.
"Ugh! Math!" I said to myself. I didnt know why I said that outloud.
As I did a math problem cold air hit my back. My desk was facing away from my window.
I got up and went to my Window. I closed my Window. I looked out the window before I shut my curtain. float from the sky and past the tree's. I had a 2 floored house and I was on the 2nd floor so My window was as High as the tree's on the side of my house. I thought I had saw a white thing float from the sky but I payed no attention to it. I shut my curtain and went back to doing my homework.
A couple minutes later I heard Elizabeth's voice.
"Rebecca! Come down here!" She yelled up from down stairs.
"Why?" I replied.
"Just come here! You have to see this!" She just said.
I put down my pencil and went down stairs.
"What do you want?" I said kinda annoyed. I wanted to finish my Homework.
"Look for yourself!" Elizabeth said pointing at a window that was closed in the Living room.
I rolled my eye's and went to the window.
What I saw when I looked out it was white specks floating from the sky.
I was confused. What was it?
"What is that?" I asked Elizabeth.
"Dont you know! It's SNOW!" Elizabeth said happily.
"Oh my Gosh!" I said as I looked out the window with shock.
"Isn't it Pretty!" Elizabeth said as she walked up to the window too.
"YES!" I told her.
Wait! Something was wrong here! Someone was missing. JULIE!! She was missing this beautiful moment!
"Where's Julie?" I asked.
"Umm..Lats time I talked to her she was going out to the Barn to take care of America" Elizabeth explained said. America was Julie's Horse.
"Oh!" I said as the snow came down harder and harder.
"This is like a blizzard!" Elizabeth said. I nodded. Then we both relized something.
We looked at eachother and said "JULIE!"
We got up real quickly and rushed to the door.
I opened the door and a burst of Cold air came towards us. My hair went Crazy and flew all over my face.
"Julie!" Elizabeth yelled out the door. We couldnt see her at all!
"Julie were are you!!" I yelled also. She was no wear in site!
"Oh my God! She could be out there freezing to death! And getting blown around in that Blizzard!" Elizabeth worried.
"Okay dont worry! Trust me Julie is like Born for this type of stuff! She knows what to do!" I told Elizabeth. But I was also worried too. I was the older sister! I had to act like nothing was wrong for Elizabeth's sake.

After about 5 minutes of yelling for Julie and getting snow all over us, I got my Jacket off the Rack.
"Where are you going?" Elizabeth asked.
"I'm going to go find Julie, duh" I told her.
"You cant! What if something happens to you! And Julie! Then I'll be all alone! I will not let that happen!" Elizabeth tried to get me to stay.
"But I have too! Julie is out there ALONE! She needs my help!" I said as I walked out the door. Elizabeth grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back inside.
"No! Let go of me! I have to do it!" I tried to pry her hand off of my arm.
Finally her hand slipped and she let go of me.
I walked into the snow.
"Be Careful!" Elizabeth yelled at me once she relized I was doing it if she liked it or not!
"Okay" I yelled back.

A gust of wind came at me. I almost fell into the snow. My hair was filled with snow. Actually My whole body was covered in snow!
I tried my hardest to walk towards the barn.
My legs were cold and wet from wlaking in the snow. I shivered. My teeth gritted. IT WAS SO COLD! I tried to get warmer by pulling on my jacket and rubbing my hands together. It was working!
I saw something! A light! It was the light to the barn!
I then started to run. Well it wasn't actually running since the wind was so powerful and kept trying to Push me down.
The wind won and I fell into the snow.
"Ahh!" I said. It was cold!!
I tried to get up. But it felt like the snow was sucking me back in! My hands were freezing. My face felt like Ice. My nose started to run. Because of the wind hitting my face, My eye's started to water.
I finally got back up and ran to the barn.

I stepped onto the concrete and It felt good to finally be on hard land!
"Julie!" I yelled. Or at least tried to yell. My throat hurt and my voice began to fade.
"Julie!" I croaked again.
I heard a bang. It must be Julie! Who else would be in the barn in a snow storm!
I went towards were I heard the bang from.
I saw Julie in the corner of her Horses stall shivering.
"Julie!" I yelled and ran towards her.
She just shivered.
"Are you okay!" I asked her.
"Yes..." Julie said through shivers.
I tried to get her warm, But since I was freezing it probally wasnt going to help.
"Julie we have to get back to the house!" I told her.
"No!" Julie said.
"Yes! We have to go before the snow storm gets worse!" I told her trying to get her up.
"I told you no! I'm not leaving America in this storm!!" Julie said pointing to her horse. America was laying on the other side of the stall with a red blanket on her.
"Julie! She will be fine! America has been in a worse situation! We will come back and see her after the storm dies down!" I tried to convice Julie. We couldnt stay out here forever! We were going to get ammonia!
"But..." Julie said still not convinced.
"Julie! Elizabeth is waiting for us at the house! She is probally freaking out! We have to GO! We cant stay out here or were going to get Ammonia! Actually I already think I have it" I told Julie as I wiped my nose with my sleeve.
Julie looked at America and then walked over to her.
"I'll be right back sweetie! Right after the snow storm stops1 I promise!" Julie told America and gave her a kiss on her head. America Nayed. Julie smiled and we headed back to the house.

"Julie hold my hand!" I said holding out my hand. Julie grabbed it and we fast walked toward the house.
We saw Elizabeth once we could see the house. She was still at the door looking out for us.
Once she saw us she waved.
"Julie! Rebecca! Hurry! The news reporter said it's going to get worse!" Elizabeth yelled.

Finally, we reached the front door.
Elizabeth, Julie, and I had a group hug. We rushed into the house.
"I was so worried about you!" Elizabeth said to us.
Julie hugged Elizabeth. I could see Elizabeth shiver.
"Now go upstairs and take a hot shower!" Elizabeth said rushing us up stairs.

I decided to take a bath instead of a shower. It was felt soo good! And HOT! lol
I got out of the bath tub and put my warm PJ'S on. I put My pink Aeropostale Sweat pants on and a long sleeved shirt with a big Fluffy warm jacket. I put on some warm socks and I put on my slippers too. I brushed out my hair and put it in a messy Bun on top of my head. lol.

I went down stairs. Julie was already out of the Bath. Of course! She always took really short baths, even when she was freezing cold! She probally took a normal amount of time in the bath. But I thought she took short baths because I take REALLY long baths! lol.

Julie was sitting on the Couch and watching t.v. The T.v. every once in a while went staticy because of the Snow storm, But Julie didnt seem like she cared.
I went to the Fireplace in the living room and turned the knob for the fire to start.
Elizabethw a sin the Kitchen making us some warm drinks.
"Can you make me a Carmel Latte, Please?" I asked Elizabeth.
"Can I have a Hot Cocoa, Please?" Julie asked.
"Sure!" Elizabeth said and made our drinks. She was the best at making warm drinks. Actually she was the best at making any food!
Elizabeth came into the Living room and Gave Julie her Hot Cocoa. Elizabeth came to me and agve me my Carmel Latte.
"Thanks" I told her as I warmed up by the fire.

When I was done warming myself up I walked over to Where Julie was and plopped down on the couch next to her. Elizabeth was sitting by the window watching the snow storm.
Julie hugged me and said "Thanks for coming for me. If it wasnt for you I would still be out in the barn freezing to death!"
I hugged Julie back and said "No problem! I would do anything for you! Your my sister!"
Julies miled up at me and I smiled back.



  1. Awww how sweet :3
    I'm glad none of you got hurt in the snow storm!


  2. I just have to say, on Julie's blog, she said you lived in Florida, and Florida does NOT get snow like that! Well, at least I'm glad you're safe from the blizzard!!! :)

  3. I was scared! I didn't want you {or Julie} to get hurt!

  4. i am sooooooooooo glad U R safe now!!!!! one of the coziest things is being inside during a snowstorm and having a hot drink!!!!
