Thursday, August 4, 2011

Followers: 43!


So this post goes out to all my/Rebecca's wonderful followers!!!

I wanted to have a post about how much I love and appreciate my followers!

So I looked at my blog today and saw that I had another follower! So that means I have 43 followers!
I know thats not alot compared to some peoples blog, but whatever! I'm still HAPPY to have that many!

I remember when I started this blog! Not even a single follower, but then I got my first. I was sooo happy.
I dreamed about getting up 43 followers! I never thought I would get up to this!

"Yeah, maybe I'll get like 20" I would say to myself.

I remember my first post, not really knowing what I was doing! :p
I have gone through changes, my writing has changed, and I'm so happy you all have stayed with me!
I do remember when I lost like 2 followers! I was devestated and was thinking about not writing Rebecca's blog anymore!
But then I thought to myself "You know what! So what! You LOVE to write and blog, so why does it matter if you lost TWO followers!"

I did close Julie and Elizabeths blog (and had closed this blog for like 2 days! haha) but thats because I didnt have enough time to have THREE blogs (I'm not sure how some people can handle having like 5 blogs!)
And I would push myself to write on there blogs, I didnt want to do that anymore.

And Plus I felt like Julie AND Elizabeths blog was getting know where! I had also thought that of Rebecca too!
But then I got a great idea for Rebecca's (her going to new york. Kinda having a new life) and I knew I had to open Rebecca's blog back up! (And Plus Rebecca's blog had more followers that didnt want her to go!)

I want to thank all my followers for staying with me through all this!
I love ya'll so much!
If I could name every single one of you I WOULD!

Rebecca is also very thankful of you! hehe :)

Thanks for reading!



  1. I'm actually kinda new to your blog, but have loved it so far! Don't EVER think about closing this blog again, kay?

    {yeah, okay}

    <3 Jamie

